social aspects

Geographic Name
social aspects

The Civil War

Details major events of the U.S. Civil War, as well as the war's cultural impact.
Cover image of The Civil War

Caught in the revolution

Petrograd, Russia, 1917--a world on the edge
A portrait of the outbreak of the 1917 Russian Revolution, told through eyewitness accounts left by foreign nationals who saw the drama unfold. Petrograd (the former St. Petersburg), was filled with foreign visitors who existed in hotels, clubs, offices, and embassies, and were acutely aware of the chaos in the city, the terrible shortage of edible food, and the fact that their lives were constantly in danger. The group included journalists, diplomats, businessmen, bankers, governesses, volunteer nurses, expatriate socialites, and some African Americans. Many kept diaries and wrote letters home. Much of the material in this book is previously unpublished and furnishes a unique and frightening picture of life in Petrograd during the revolution.

The distance between us

"At the age of 8, Reyna Grande made the dangerous and illegal trek across the border from Mexico to the United States, and discovered that the American Dream is much more complicated that it seemed"--Provided by publisher.

The Civil War

"This book details major events of the U.S. Civil War, as well as the war's cultural impact"--Provided by publisher.

There goes the neighborhood

how communities overcome prejudice and meet the challenge of American immigration
"This compelling approach to the immigration debate takes the reader behind the blaring headlines and into communities grappling with the reality of new immigrants and the changing nature of American identity. Ali Noorani, the Executive Director of the National Immigration Forum, interviews nearly fifty local and national leaders from law enforcement, business, immigrant, and faith communities to illustrate the challenges and opportunities they face. From high school principals to church pastors to sheriffs, the author reveals that most people are working to advance society's interests, not exploiting a crisis at the expense of one community. As he shows, some cities and regions have reached a happy conclusion, while others struggle to find balance. Whether describing a pastor preaching to the need to welcome the stranger, a sheriff engaging the Muslim community, or a farmer's wind-whipped face moistened by tears as he tells the story of his farmworkers being deported, the author helps readers to realize that America's immigration debate isn't about policy; it is about the culture and values that make America what it is. The people on the front lines of America's cultural and demographic debate are Southern Baptist pastors in South Carolina, attorneys general in Utah or Indiana, Texas businessmen, and many more. Their combined voices make clear that all of them are working to make America a welcome place for everyone, long-established citizens and new arrivals alike. Especially now, when we feel our identity, culture, and values changing shape, the collective message from all the diverse voices in this inspiring book is one of hope for the future"--.

Children of the gold rush

Contains profiles and photographs of children who went to the Yukon and Alaska during the gold rush age of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.

If you lived at the time of the Civil War

Describes conditions for the civilians in both North and South during and immediately after the war.

The distance between us

a memoir
Reyna Grande chronicles her life as an undocumented immigrant, from her border crossing at age nine, discussing her difficult relationship with her father, and other complications with her family during childhood.

Florida in the Civil War

a state in turmoil
First-person accounts bring the history of Florida's participation in the Civil War to life.

The distance between us

At the age of 8, Reyna Grande made the dangerous and illegal trek across the border from Mexico to the United States, and discovered that the American Dream is much more complicated that it seemed.


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