
Topical Term

Lost in the Bermuda Triangle and other mysteries

Looks at the history and theories behind famous mysteries such as ghost ships, UFOs, and Loch Ness monsters, and allows readers to draw their own conclusions about them based on the available evidence.

Tracking ghosts

Describes tools and methods used by ghost hunters, including examples of ghost hunters' paranormal experiences.

The darkest minds

Sixteen-year-old Ruby breaks out of a government-run 'rehabilitation camp' for teens who acquired dangerous powers after surviving a virus that wiped out most American children.

Select few

"Julia and John agree to go separate ways for the summer, freeing Julia to reunite with fellow outcast Angus on a road trip seeking Julia's parents, but leading to new discoveries"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Select few

Stranger things

"When Will Byers finds himself in the Upside Down, an impossible dark parody of his own world, he's understandably frightened. But that's nothing compared with the fear that takes hold when he realizes what's in that world with him!"--.

Haunted houses

Readers will learn about the history of hauntings, why skeptics claim they are not real, and how researchers use technology to try and find proof of these unwanted visitors in our homes!.

The science of mind control and telepathy

Delves into both the legends behind the topics and real-life examples that suggest the possibility of their reality, and explores how the superpowers could become reality in the future.

The Bye Bye Man

and other strange-but-true tales
"In 1990, three college students spent a long Wisconsin winter experimenting with a Ouija board; it turned out to be the deadliest mistake of their lives. The board brought them into contact with a psychic serial killer, known only as the Bye Bye Man. Learning his name makes you vulnerable, but thinking about it draws the Bye Bye Man to you"--Provided by publisher.

Wretched Washington

Washington, DC has a long, spooky past. Is that why dead presidents still walk the halls of the White House? Uncover the city?s haunted history, cursed buildings, and its many ghastly ghosts.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle?

". . . presents the eerie accidents and unexplained disappearances that have occurred in the region known as the Bermuda Triangle . . ."--Publisher provided.


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