His Gallery of great Americans series. Explorers of America

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Champlain; explorer of New France

A biography of the French explorer who founded Quebec, discovered Lake Champlain, and was called the Father of New France.

De Soto, explorer of the Southeast

A biography of the wealthy Spanish explorer who became the first white man to cross the Mississippi.

Lewis and Clark, western trailblazers

An easy-to-read account of the expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory and the two men who led it.

Columbus; discoverer of the New World

A brief biography of the Italian weaver's son who never achieved his dream of finding a trade route to India but in pursuing it opened the door to the New World.

Coronado; explorer of the Southwest

A brief biography of the Spanish explorers who led an expedition into the American Southwest in search of Gran Quivira and the seven cities of Cibola.
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