Bradshaw, John

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A first guide to dogs

understanding your very best friend
Rusty the terrier invites readers to follow along with him in a day in his life with his family. Rusty reveals how dogs experience the world--mostly through smells--and how kids can interpret dog behavioral cues--a tucked tail means Rusty is scared, but if it is wagging, then he is happy.

The trainable cat

a practical guide to making life happier for you and your cat
A New York Times Bestseller "I have to hand it to Bradshaw and Ellis: Once you suss out their basic cat-training philosophy, their methods totally work." --Slate We often assume that cats can't be trained, and don't need to be. But in The Trainable Cat, bestselling anthrozoologist John Bradshaw and cat expert Sarah Ellis show that cats absolutely must be trained in order to enrich the bond between pet and owner. Full of training tips and exercises--from introducing your cat to a new baby to helping them deal with visits to the vet--The Trainable Cat is the essential cat bible for cat owners and lovers. "I doubt you'll find a more well-informed or scientific book on cats that better shows you how feline thinking works."--Times (UK).
Cover image of The trainable cat


reclaiming and championing your inner child
Guide for parents to reclaim and nurture the inner child with information on dealing with anger, roles, rules, and difficult relationships.

Cat sense

how the new feline science can make you a better friend to your pet
Combines research with case studies to paint a detailed portrait of the domestic cat. Traces the cat's evolution from solitary hunter to domesticated companion, showing that cats remain independent, predatory, and wary of social contact, qualities that often clash with the demands of their owner's modern lifestyles.

Bradshaw on--the family

a revolutionary way of self-discovery

Dog sense

how the new science of dog behavior can make you a better friend to your pet
A renowned anthrozoologist shows how humans can live in harmony with their canine friends, explaining why positive reinforcement is a more effective way to control behavior and how to weigh a dog's unique personality against the stereotypes of its breed.
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