women soldiers

Topical Term
women soldiers

Count on us

American women in the military
Reviews the history of American women's involvement in the Armed Forces from the Revolutionary War to the present.

Deborah Sampson goes to war

A biography of the woman who served in the army during the Revolutionary War under the name Robert Shurtleff and who later lectured about her experiences.

At all costs

Admiral Lady Dame Honor Harrington, the single victorious Allied commander of the new war, is called to command the Eighth Fleet in a desperate attempt to save the Star Kingdom of Manticore from the deadly Republic of Haven.

Love my rifle more than you

young and female in the U.S. Army
The author describes what it meant to her to be a woman soldier serving her country in a war zone, and shares the danger and death around her, interaction with the local people, and criticism against the inefficiencies and errors of the military.

Women in the military

Presents a collection of essays that debate various points and counterpoints of women in the military including whether or not women have the right to engage in military combat.

The general's daughter

Army undercover agent Paul Brenner investigates the murder and rape of Captain Ann Campbell, a general's daughter.

She went to the field

women soldiers of the Civil War
Chronicles the experiences of the few women who served as soldiers during the Civil War, discussing how they adapted to life in a predominately male military.

In the men's house

an inside account of life in the Army by one of West Point's first female graduates
Recounts the experiences of one of the first women to graduate from West Point.

Arms and the woman

Describes the experiences of women in the military forces of Great Britain, Canada, and the United States in the 1990s, and examines the arguments for and against putting women on the front lines.

The deadly embrace

a novel of World War II


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