Brenner, Martha

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Abe Lincoln's hat

Abe Lincoln's hat

Frontier lawyer Abraham Lincoln cures his absent-mindedness by placing letters, court notes, contracts, and his checkbook in his tall black hat.

Montones de problemas

Introduces math concepts to young students through a story about Mike, who learns how fast dirty dishes can multiply when he avoids washing them.

Abe Lincoln's hat

Abe Lincoln's hat

Abe Lincoln's hat

Describes Lincoln's early days as an absent-minded frontier lawyer who kept letters, court notes, and even his checkbook in his trademark tall, black hat.

Abe Lincoln's Hat

Step Into Reading
Tells the story of how Abe Lincoln kept important papers in his hat.

Fireworks tonight!

Traces the history of fireworks and discusses some of the varieties available today, regulations, dangers, and safety guidelines.

Montones de problemas

Mike learns how fast dirty dishes can pile up when he tries to avoid washing them.

Fireworks tonight!

Traces the history of fireworks and discusses some of the varieties available today, regulations, dangers, and safety guidelines.


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