Nine-year-old Hannah, a Quaker living in Philadelphia just before the Civil War, longs to have some fashionable dresses like other girls but comes to appreciate her heritage and its plain dressing when her family saves the life of a runaway slave.
In 1778 fourteen-year-old Becca takes a position as personal maid to Peggy Shippen, the daughter of wealthy Philadelphia Quakers, and witnesses the events that lead to General Benedict Arnold's betrayal of the revolutionary American forces.
An account of the life of William Penn, telling of his Quaker beliefs and his urging that people be given religious freedom, discussing his efforts to establish the self-governing colony of Pennsylvania, and examining his many personal setbacks. Presented in graphic format.
In England in 1662, a time of religious persecution, fifteen-year-old Susanna, a poor country girl and a Quaker, and seventeen-year-old William, a wealthy Anglican, meet and fall in love against all odds.
Focuses on the struggles of the founder of Pennsylvania who promoted the Quaker religion and spent his lifetime preaching the right of each individual to choose his own faith.