fossil man

Topical Term
fossil man

Ancestral passions

the Leakey family and the quest for humankind's beginnings
A biography of the Leaky family which has dominated the small but fiercely competitive realm of paleoanthropology, and looks at how their powerful personalities shaped the direction of research and influenced scientific debate.


origins and evolution
Text and photographs examine the evolution of humans from the early hominids to homo sapiens of today.

Lucy, the beginnings of humankind

Describes the discovery of the oldest, most complete skeleton of any erect walking human ancestor ever found in 1974 in Ethiopia.

From Lucy to language

Provides information on the career of paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson, known for his 1974 discovery of "Lucy" the oldest, best preserved skeleton of any erect-walking human ever found; answers questions about human origins; and includes photographs and profiles of over fifty of the most significant early human fossils.

The Hominid Gang

behind the scenes in the search for human origins
Follows scientists in the field and chronicles debates behind the scenes in the study of human fossils.

The Leakeys

Highlights the accomplishments of the family of paleoarchaeologists which made important fossil discoveries in Africa.

The fossil trail

how we know what we think we know about human evolution
A survey of the study of human evolution, offering a history of fossil discoveries and an insider's look at how the finds have been interpreted and misinterpreted through time.

The Leakey family

leaders in the search for human origins
Discusses the family whose discoveries led to breakthroughs in understanding human origins.

Mary Leakey

in search of human beginnings
Examines the life of the noted anthropologist and describes her discoveries digging for fossils of our ancestors in East Africa.

When humans began

Surveys the evolutionary ancestors of modern humans and describes the ways in which we evolved by examining fossils of prehistoric apes, pre-humans, and early humans.


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