Jacobs, David

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Master painters of the Renaissance

A presentation of the development and contribution of Italian Renaissance painting, with emphasis on ten major artists: Giotto, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Giorgione, Titian, and Tintoretto.

Bridges, canals & tunnels

Chaplin, the movies, & Charlie

A biography of one of the most famous film comedians of the twentieth century who contributed greatly to the art of filmmaking both as a performer and as a director.

An American conscience

Woodrow Wilson's search for world peace
Examines the role of President Woodrow Wilson during the fight over American participation in the League of Nations after World War I.


city on the Golden Horn
A history of Constantinople, city of many rulers and names, whose land and sea route is the crossroads of Europe and Asia.

Master builders of the Middle Ages

Describes the beginning and development of Gothic architecture as manifested in the massive European cathedrals. Focuses on the lives of those involved with the new architectural crusade--laborers, artisans, and churchmen.


A biography of the famed German musician emphasizing the times in which he lived.


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