A Horizon caravel book

Compare Series: 

Russia under the Czars

"Horizon caravel book." Discusses the history of Russia under the Czars, describing a nation trying desperately to unify itself and expand its dominions both to the East and to the West.

Alexander the Great

Pulls together the scattered images of Alexander and his life, and presents them with all the color and drama of the ancient world.

Cortes and the Aztec conquest

Marco Polo's adventures in China

Recounts the adventures of Marco Polo who, with his father and uncle, journeyed to the court of Kublai Khan in China from 1271 to 1295.

Joan of Arc

An account of Joan's early life, her leadership of the armies of France and her death.

The Holy Land in the time of Jesus

Presents an historical account of the events of the New Testament showing the growth of both Judaism and Christianity in times of political, religious, and social upheaval.


Captain Cook and the South Pacific

"Horizon caravel book." Describes Cook's personality, his relationships with his crew, and his voyages of exploration to the islands of the South Pacific.

Alexander the Great

Pulls together the scattered images of Alexander and his life, and presents them with all the color and drama of the ancient world.

Exploration of Africa

Text and illustrations trace the history of the exploration of Africa with emphasis on the 19th-century expeditions which helped map the continent and open it to European influence and colonization.


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