Rose, Sharon

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CDs, super glue, and salsa

how everyday products are made : volume 2, L-Z
Alphabetically arranged entries explain how various products such as lawn mowers, postage stamps, and zippers are manufactured. Each entry includes information on the product's history and the steps involved in its manufacture.
Cover image of CDs, super glue, and salsa

CDs, super glue, and salsa

how everyday products are made : volume 1, A-K
Alphabetically arranged entries explain how various products such as blue jeans, compact discs, and guitars are manufactured. Each entry includes information on the product's history and the steps involved in its manufacture.
Cover image of CDs, super glue, and salsa

CDs, suer glue, and salsa

How do they make that?

how everyday products are made
Contains alphabetically arranged entries that explain the history and manufacturing processes involved in making thirty everyday products, including bar code scanner, baseball, blue jeans, light bulb, optical fiber, super glue, etc.

How things are made

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that describe the manufacturing processes of thirty-four popular foods, articles of clothing, machines, and creative conveniences, each with information on the item's history or development, raw materials needed for production, design, quality control, by-products, and future products.

CDs, super glue, and salsa

how everyday products are made
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