Need to know library

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Everything you need to know about colds and flu

Explains what both colds and flu are, how to avoid them, and how to get over an illness as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Everything you need to know about healing from rape trauma

Identifies the nature, causes, and victims of rape, discusses common misconceptions about it, and offers advice on healing from sexual assault.

Everything you need to know about living on your own

Describes the realities teenagers must face if they run away from home and provides information about outreach and help for runaways.

Everything you need to know about birth control

Discusses the reproductive system and the various methods of birth control and how they work.

Everything you need to know about getting a job

Explains how to get a job, including information on everything from social security cards to resumes and networking tips.

Everything you need to know about social anxiety

Explains what social anxiety disorder is and discusses how it is diagnosed, what the treatments are, and how it can affect teens and their families.

Everything you need to know about living in a foster home

Gives examples of teenagers who have been sent to live with foster families, detailing some of the reasons for needing foster care, what to expect, and how to make the necessary adjustments.

Everything you need to know about street gangs

Examines the phenomenon of street gangs, the reasons people join them, the danger they can hold, and ways of avoiding getting involved with them.

Everything you need to know about being a teen driver

Discusses becoming a licensed driver and such related concerns as getting your first car, road safety, drinking and driving, and road rage.

Everything you need to know about your parents' divorce

A guide for teenagers to view divorce as the beginning of a different kind of family life, to understand what happens to parents in their lives, and to understand the feelings of everyone involved.


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