electric apparatus and appliances

Topical Term
electric apparatus and appliances

Sneakiest uses for everyday things

how to make a boomerang with a business card, convert a pencil into a microphone, make animated origami, turn a TV tray into a giant robot, and create alternative energy science projects
Presents instructions and diagrams for forty "sneaky" science projects involving common household items such as a pencil, hangers, and ice cubes, including tricks, gadgets, energy simulations, and other types.

Sneaky uses for everyday things

how to turn a penny into a radio, make a flood alarm with an aspirin, change milk into plastic, extract water and electricity from thin air, turn on a tv with your ring, and other amazing feats
Contains detailed instructions and diagrams for creating a number of objects using ordinary household items and includes ideas for making a radio from a penny, starting a fire using water, and constructing a fire extinguisher from items around the kitchen.

This is the way it works

a collection of machines
Explains the mechanisms of such machines as the iron lung, the incandescent light bulb, a zipper, and a roller coaster.


Explains the basic principles of electricity through looking at everyday experiences or direct observation.

Funny bunnies on the run

When the lights go out at home, the Bunny family flips every switch with no success until the power returns and the bunnies find themselves in trouble when all the appliances go on at once.

Easy to make electric gadgets

Instructions for making a magnetic compass, a junkyard crane, a metal engraving tool, an electric motor, and other electric gadgets.

Electricity and magnetism

An introduction to magnetism, magnets, compasses, batteries, and electricity. Includes activities and experiments.


Tells how electricity makes toys and other objects work.

It's electric

Explains the scientific principles behind electricity, discussing such aspects as static, circuits, batteries, and generators.

Zap it!

exciting electricity activities
Introduces the basics behind the operation of various battery-powered electrical devices and provides instructions for making some simple devices that use different kinds of circuits and switches.


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