Opposing viewpoints digests

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The Bill of Rights

Includes an overview of the original debate over the need for a bill of rights, an exploration of some later debates about rights issues, and an appendix of original documents.
Cover image of The Bill of Rights

Hate groups

Presents an overview of hate groups and the attempts to fight them, and features sixteen articles that debate the seriousness of the problem, the need for laws against hate crimes, and whether hate speech should be restricted.

The fall of the Roman Empire

Discusses some of the causes that may have led to the end of the Roman Empire, including changes in population, economic decay, class and religious divisions, and military conquest.


Presents opposing views on the ethical issues related to euthanasia, physician participation, and legalization of voluntary euthanasia.

Drugs and sports

Addresses opposing views on drugs and sports, including whether drug use is a serious problem in sports, whether drug use should be banned, why athletes take drugs, and if they should be tested for them.


Presents contrasting viewpoints on the following questions: "How serious a problem are gangs in the United States?" "What factors encourage gang behavior?" and "How can gangs be eliminated?".

The environment

Presents opposing views on the state of the environment, discussing global warming, pollution, the consumer culture, federal regulation, and America's role in environmental problems.

Endangered species

Examines various aspects of the problem of endangered species and the importance of trying to prevent these plants and animals from becoming extinct.


Presents opposing viewpoints on abortion, discussing such issues as morality, legality, restriction of abortion rights, and research using aborted fetal tissue.

The death penalty

Reviews opposing arguments regarding the death penalty, including whether or not it is just, deters murder, and is applied fairly.


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