
Topical Term

A vanished world

medieval Spain's golden age of enlightenment
Explores how the pioneering innovations of medieval Spain impacted every dimension of Western life, highlighting key developments and their role in the development of the modern world.

A girl made of dust

A coming-of-age story told by eight-year-old Ruba who lives with her family in a small Christian village outside of Beirut during the 1982 Israeli invasion.

When light pierced the darkness

Christian rescue of Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland

Encounters with darkness

Christian victims of violence tell their stories
This book tackles testimonies of the encounters of Christians with violence of various kinds. These include rape, robbery, domestic violence, ethnic violence, violence in the form of religious persecution and violence with no apparent motive.

Teen to teen

365 daily devotions by teen girls for teen girls
Contains 365 devotionals written by teens for teens with insights into how spirituality connects with every area of a teenager's life.

Shadow of his hand

a story based on the life of holocaust survivor Anita Dittman
The daughter of a German and a Jew, Anita's dreams of becoming a famous ballerina are crushed by increasing Nazi persecution, but she is sustained, even while in a Nazi work camp, by her strong Christian faith and the conviction that she will one day be reunited with her mother and sister.

Charlie Ward

winning by his grace
Charlie Ward, point guard for the New York Knicks basketball team, shares photographs and stories of his life, and discusses the influence his Christian beliefs have had on his personal and professional behavior and accomplishments.

Girl meets God

on the path to a spiritual life
Lauren Winner chronicles the first year of her life after she converted to Christianity, discussing how her Reform Jewish father and lapsed Southern Baptist mother reacted to her choice.

Chicken soup for the Christian teenage soul

stories of faith, love, inspiration, and hope
Contains brief inspirational stories that show how God is at work in the lives of teenagers no matter how they feel about Christianity or religion.


Derek, Kimberly, and the rest of the Prayer Club try to break through the tough exterior of a new classmate, Serenity Harper.


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