Hughes, Monica

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Hunter in the dark

A teenage boy goes on a secret hunting trip alone in an effort to come to terms with his leukemia and to test his strength and resourcefulness in battling the elements and stalking the whitetailed deer that is his quarry.

Swimming giants

Describes the physical characteristics of animals that lived at the same time as dinosaurs.

Weather patterns

Provides information about daily, yearly, seasonal, polar, and different climate weather patterns.

Really big dinosaurs and other giants

Illustrations and simple text introduce young readers to some of the biggest, strongest, tallest, and heaviest dinosaurs that roamed the earth.

Water cycle

Explains the water cycle, how water evaporates from the sea, forms clouds, falls as rain or snow on the land, and flows into rivers and streams, which flow back to the sea.

Invitation to the game

Unemployed after high school in the highly robotic society of 2154, Lisse and seven friends resign themselves to a boring existence in their "Designated Area" until the government invites them to play the Game.

Fighting dinosaurs

Illustrations and simple text describe how various dinosaurs used their sharp teeth, claws, and armor to survive.

Flying giants

Illustrations and simple text introduce young readers to various prehistoric creatures that flew.

My Christmas

Illustrations and simple text describe how one family celebrates Christmas.

Pill bugs

Describes the bodies, relatives, diets, and life cycles of pill bugs, and includes color photos.


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