Explores the causes and conduct of World War I, fought in Europe from 1914 to 1918, and includes maps that illustrate various battles and campaigns and resulting boundary changes.
Presents a short history of the Pacific theater of war during World War Two and provides information on the spread of Japanese imperialism in the East, the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the Bataan death march and other atrocities, and the Allied advance.
Explores the causes and conduct of World War II as it was fought in the European and North African theaters, and includes maps that illustrate various battles and campaigns and resulting boundary changes.
Presents a short history of the Vietnam War and discusses the invasion of French Indochina in July 1941, U.S. involvement in 1962 and escalation in 1965, TET Offensive, anti-war movement, and the withdrawal of troops.
Explores the origins of the ongoing Arabi-Israeli conflict, examines the issues in contention, looks at attempts to reach peace, and considers why the struggle continues into the twenty-first century.