speeches, addresses, etc., american

Topical Term
speeches, addresses, etc., american

Lincoln's greatest speech

the second inaugural
Analyzes the wording and delivery of Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address in 1865 and discusses its reception by the American public. In support of the Common Core Learning Standards. (CCLS).

Great speeches

A collection of Franklin D. Roosevelt's most influential and memorable speeches. In support of the Common Core Learning Standards. (CCLS).

My fellow Americans

presidents speak to the people in troubled times : Franklin D. Roosevelt to Barack Obama
A collection of speeches by thirteen American presidents speaking on topics including the Cold War, War on Terror, the Great Depression, faith and values, and the United Nations.

The 1960s

Reprints twenty-two notable speeches of the 1960s in which the speakers address issues of the Cold War, Cuba, communism, civil rights, the space race, the Great Society, the counterculture and student activism, and the Vietnam War.

Hold fast your dreams

twenty commencement speeches
Contains twenty commencement speeches made by prominent Americans, including Jimmy Carter, Dr. Seuss, Arthur Ashe, and Gloria Steinem, each preceded by a brief biography of the speaker.

Letter from Birmingham jail

"I have a dream" speech
In "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King Jr. explains why blacks can no longer be victims of inequality. Also features King's "I Have a Dream" speech, which was delivered to 250,000 civil rights marchers in 1963.

In our own words

extraordinary speeches of the American century
A collection of over 150 celebrated American speeches drawn from throughout the twentieth century.

Words that changed America

great speeches that inspired, enthralled, healed, and enlightened
Contains nearly eighty significant speeches from throughout the history of the United States, grouped by theme, each with a brief explanatory introduction.

The Civil War

Presents nineteen significant speeches related to the Civil War and its aftermath, including addresses by politicians and abolitionists. Also includes an introduction, chronology, further reading list, and biographies.

Civil rights

Contains reprints of some of the most significant Civil Rights speeches in the history of the United States, each with a brief explanatory introduction.


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