Genetic diseases and disorders

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Down syndrome

Examines Down syndrome, explaining its history and genetic basis, different aspects of living with the disorder, testing, and genetic research.

Tay-Sachs disease

Examines Tay-Sachs disease, explaining what it is, how it is inherited, treatment of symptoms, and screening and prevention.

Huntington's disease

Examines Huntington's disease, explaining what it is, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and efforts to find a cure for the genetic disease.


Examines hemophilia, explaining what it is, its history, symptoms, treatment, and research into better ways of treating and possibly curing the genetic disease.

Cystic fibrosis

Examines cystic fibrosis, explaining what it is, treatment for symptoms, advances in research, and how gene therapy may be used to cure the genetic disease.

Alopecia areata

Examines alopecia areata, explaining what it is, genetic research, treatment for symptoms, and how gene therapy may be used to cure the disorder.
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