college stories

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college stories

Bite club

College student Claire Danvers discovers that an extreme sport pitting vampire against vampire--and sometimes vampire against human--is being broadcast on the internet from Morganville, Texas.

The football rebels

Unable to make the varsity football team at Midwestern University, freshman Clint Martin decides to buck the athletic organization by starting his own informal team made up of any students who want to play football.

Tell me if the lovers are losers

In 1961 at a college for academically gifted women, three roommates who differ substantially from each other are brought together by a common interest in volleyball.

Is there a life after graduation, Henry Birnbaum?

Chronicles the changes in the lives of two friends between the beginning of their freshman year in college and Thanksgiving vacation.

All I Need

When Skye, a hopeless romantic, meets Seth, hurt by a recent break-up, at an end-of-summer party they connect instantly, but their love is tested when she returns to high school and he begins to work his way through an Ivy-League college.

The initiation

Molly Keene, a freshman at Salem, joins a group called The Others, who are just a bunch of lonely students like herself, and yet there's something different about them--something very frightening. So when Molly makes some other friends, she's happy to leave the group, but The Others aren't about to let her go--not without a deadly struggle.

Spirits That Walk in Shadow

When she goes off to college in order to learn the ways of ordinary people, Jaimie, who possesses supernatural powers like the rest of her clan, meets her roommate Kim, who is being pursued by a mysterious soul-sucking demon.


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