Point of impact

Compare Series: 

The Nineteenth Amendment

women get the vote
Examines the history of the seventy-two-year battle by women for the right to vote, looking at the lives of some of the people who led the struggle, and discussing the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment.
Cover image of The Nineteenth Amendment


a breakthrough in medicine
Describes the development of penicillin, from its discovery and use in World War II to the possible implications of overuse.
Cover image of Penicillin

Assassination in Sarajevo

the trigger for World War I
Explains how the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife led to World War I. Includes eyewitness accounts and contemporary views of the event, a time line summarizing important dates, and informative photographs and diagrams.

The moon landing

the race into space
Photographs and illustrations examine key elements of the various lunar landings, the first people to step on the moon, rocket technology, and the space race.

The fall of the Bastille

revolution in France
Examines the fall of the Bastille during the French Revolution, and discusses how it came about and its effects on the world; includes eyewitness accounts, a time line, pictures, and diagrams.

The Long March

the making of Communist China
Chronicles the events which led to the Communists taking over China.

The fall of the Berlin Wall

the Cold War ends
Provides an account of the Cold War, focusing on the construction and destruction of the Berlin Wall, which became a symbol of the conflict.

Kitty Hawk

the flight of the Wright brothers
Explores the history of human flight, from the first experiments at Kitty Hawk to superjumbo jets, focusing on the contributions made by the Wright Brothers and featuring first-hand accounts of early pilots and observers.

Assassination in Sarajevo

the trigger for World War I
Illustrated photographs and diagrams describe the events surrounding the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the beginning of World War I; and includes a time line of important dates and eyewitness accounts.

The end of apartheid

a new South Africa
Examines the role of apartheid in the history of South Africa, key figures involved, and how this system eventually ended.


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