Lewis, Thomas T

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The 1910s in America

"America was booming during the second decade of the century . . . Entries discuss America's love affair with the automobile, a 'longer' day for urban dwellers made possible by electricity, changes in jobs and earnings due to the millions of immigrants who entered the country at the beginning of the decade, a rise in divorce, and, of course, the Great World War. Every entry focuses on a topic or person during the 1910s that made the decade unique. [This volume covers entries A through G]"--Provided by publisher.

U.S. court cases

Contains five appendixes, an annotated bibliography, glossary, a time line of the cases, and categorized lists of the entries, along with a photo index and general subject index.

U.S. court cases

Contains over 670 articles on court cases, arranged alphabetically by their best-known names, along with essays that examine groups of cases, and provides information on the courts where decisions were made, official citation numbers, dates of the rulings, brief summaries, and related information.

The Bill of Rights

Presents essays on 281 alphabetically arranged court cases that show how the Bill of Rights has been defined and extended up to June of 2001, and also contains reference tools including a table of the justices' notable stances, a time line, a glossary, and a bibliography.
Cover image of The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights

Contains essays on the Bill of Rights, covering its history and significance, each of its amendments, and eighty-one issues it affects, and also contains the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and all of its amendments.
Cover image of The Bill of Rights

Great events from history

Contains chronologically arranged essays on events from 2000-2003.

Encyclopedia of the U.S. Supreme Court

Presents 1,075 alphabetically arranged essays on the U.S. Supreme Court's justices and other figures, decisions, types of law, pieces of legislation, Constitutional clauses and amendments, broad issues, mechanics and procedures, and comparisons with international courts; also includes references including a glossary, annotated bibliography, and a Web site list.

U.S. court cases

Contains essays that explain the historic and legal contexts in which American courts operate and provide overviews of the Anglo-American legal systems, law, the US Constitution, judicial review, and related topics.

U.S. Supreme Court

Contains 365 alphabetically arranged essays that examine topics related to the history and function of the U.S. Supreme Court, including reviews of over one hundred cases decided by the Court, and provides photographs, illustrations, and sources for further reading.


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