Top 10 sports stars

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Basketball's top 10 slam dunkers

A collective biography of ten slam dunkers from throughout the history of the NBA which includes accounts of game action, career statistics, and more.

Basketball's top 10 scorers

A collective biography of ten top scorers from throughout the history of the NBA which includes accounts of game action, career statistics, and more.

Baseball's top 10 home run hitters

A collective biography of ten home run hitters from throughout the history of professional baseball which includes accounts of game action, career statistics, and more.

Baseball's top 10 pitchers

A collective biography of ten pitchers from throughout the history of Major League Baseball which includes accounts of game action, career statistics, and more.

Football's top 10 running backs

A collective biography of ten running backs from throughout the history of professional football which includes accounts of game action, career statistics, and more.

Football's top 10 quarterbacks

A collective biography of ten quarterbacks from throughout the history of the NFL which includes accounts of game action, career statistics, and more.
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