Picture book based upon the Disney animated movie version of the story about a demi-god whose incredible strength enables him to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks.
Examines some of the legends associated with Heracles, a Greek demigod endowed with great physical strength, looking at his childhood, his labors for King Eurystheus, and some of the other impossible tasks that led to his eventually being granted the status of a full god.
This book is an introduction to monsters that Hercules faced, such as the Nemean lion, the hydra, the Erymanthian boar, the Stymphalian birds, the bull of Poseidon, the man-eating mares of Domedes, Geryon, and Cerberus.
Hercules, son of the god Zeus and a mortal woman, renowned for his great strength, performs twelve dangerous tasks to atone for an attack on his wife and children.