Nagelhout, Ryan

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Football's greatest records

Looks at significant records in football.
Cover image of Football's greatest records

Basketball's greatest records

Looks at significant records in basketball.
Cover image of Basketball's greatest records

20 fun facts about football

Explains twenty fun facts about the sport of football.
Cover image of 20 fun facts about football

Discovering STEM at the baseball game

Simple text and photographs introduce readers to how science, technology, engineering and math are applied at a baseball game.
Cover image of Discovering STEM at the baseball game

Diving with sharks

An introduction to diving with sharks, covering gear and different kinds of sharks.
Cover image of Diving with sharks

Basketball's greatest records

Looks at significant records in basketball.

The unofficial guide to science experiments in Minecraft

Text and photographs look at how to conduct science experiments in Minecraft.
Cover image of The unofficial guide to science experiments in Minecraft

Fighting robots

Describes how fighting robots work, what they are made of, what type of technology is used to create them, and how they use specific weapons in battle.
Cover image of Fighting robots

Your legal rights in the workplace

Looks at the the laws and legislation in the workplace, discussing harassment, punishment and more.
Cover image of Your legal rights in the workplace

Martin Luther King Jr. in his own words

A brief biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. that uses his own words to describe his childhood, education, and the Civil Rights Movement.
Cover image of Martin Luther King Jr. in his own words


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