young women

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young women

Little women

Chronicles the joys and sorrows of the four March sisters as they grow into young ladies in nineteenth-century New England.
Cover image of Little women

Mansfield Park

Presents Austen's novel in which Fanny, a girl of low social rank brought up on her wealthy relatives' estate, feels the sharp sting of rejection when her cousin Edmund, the only person who treats her as an equal, is won over by an unprincipled London girl; and includes explanatory notes and appendices on social status, dancing, the British Navy, and the play "Lovers' Vows.".
Cover image of Mansfield Park

Sense and sensibility

Two sisters of opposing temperaments share the pangs of tragic love. Their mutual suffering brings a closer understanding between them, and true love finally triumphs.
Cover image of Sense and sensibility

Sense and sensibility

Two sisters of opposing temperaments share the pangs of tragic love, but their mutual suffering brings a closer understanding between them, and true love finally triumphs.
Cover image of Sense and sensibility

Safe haven

Katie arrives in the small town of Southport, North Carolina, hoping to hide from her past and avoid raising suspicions, but when she reluctantly begins a relationship with Alex, a widowed store owner with two young children, and befriends her neighbor Jo, Katie is forced to confront the dark secret she is hiding if she wants to put down roots and find true love.
Cover image of Safe haven

Silent honor

Eighteen-year-old Hiroko comes to California in 1941 to attend college at Berkley, but even her love for teaching assistant Peter Jenkins cannot keep her from longing for home. Sadly, her dream of returning to Japan ends with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and Hiroko must learn to survive in her rapidly changing world.
Cover image of Silent honor

Instant teen

just add nuts
Fifth grader Natsumi Kawashima's wish to be grown up comes true after she accidentally eats some genetically enhanced nuts, but she soon comes to wonder whether the combination of a sexy woman's body and a fifth-grade mind is a good idea.

Project Paris

the fashion-forward adventures of Imogene
Seventeen-year-old Imogene scores an internship with Hautelaw and heads to Paris with her best friend Evie to spend the summer immersed in the fashion scene, but disaster looms when the high-fashion models go on strike just before Couture Week, and it is not until the girls discover a mysterious unnamed designer that things get back on course.

The center of the universe

A young girl uses her journal to record her thoughts about life as a high school student.

Pride and prejudice

In early nineteenth-century England, a spirited young woman copes with the courtship of a snobbish gentleman as well as the romantic entanglements of her four sisters.


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