imaginary places

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imaginary places

Girls of storm and shadow

Lei is now known as the Moonchosen, the commoner who managed to slay the Demon King. In order to gain the support of the rebel clans in their attempt to overthrow the monarchy, Lei and Wren must make a treacherous journey that's further complicated by the large bounty on Lei's head. Meanwhile, a plot to bring down the rebel uprising is taking shape, fueled by dark magic and a quest for revenge.

Girls of fate and fury

Captured in the Demon King's Hidden Palace, Lei is determined to bring him down from the inside. Meanwhile, Wren is desperate to rescue Lei, but is caught up in the bloody battle against the monarchy, seeing the horrors of war firsthand and questioning whether her sacrifice will be worth it.

Tales from the merged realms

The legendary realms of the world of Ninjago have merged into one strange and wonderful mix of people, places, and creatures. First, Sora and Arin build a mech to take part in a mech race. Then, Clutch Powers, a member of the Explorers' Club embarks on a quest to find artifacts that have been declared lost forever. Later, two ninjas named Kai and Lloyd must seal a crack in the worlds when a mergequake hits. Includes a glossary.

The mysterious disappearance of Aidan S. (as told to his brother)

"Aidan disappeared for six days. Six agonizing days of searches and police and questions and constant vigils. Then, just as suddenly as he vanished, Aidan reappears. Where has he been? The story he tells is simply. . . impossible. But it's the story Aidan is sticking to. His brother, Lucas, wants to believe him. But Lucas is aware of what other people, including their parents, are saying: that Aidan is making it all up to disguise the fact that he ran away. When the kids in school hear Aidan's story, they taunt him. But still Aidan clings to his story. And as he becomes more of an outcast, Lucas becomes more and more concerned. Being on Aidan's side would mean believing in the impossible. But how can you believe in the impossible when everything and everybody is telling you not to?"--Amazon.

A court of thorns and roses

"Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from stories, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin, a High Lord of the faeries. As her feelings toward him transform from hostility to a firey passion, the threats against the faerie lands grow. Feyre must fight to break an ancient curse, or she will lose Tamlin forever"--.


?U?nete a Ash en un trepidante viaje a trave?s del mundo Poke?mon y conoce a nuevos amigos y asombrosos Poke?mon por el camino! Viaja por ocho regiones como nunca lo has hecho: descubre lugares escondidos en la Regio?n de Kanto, nada en los grandes lagos de Johto, visita las islas de la Regio?n de Hoenn, divie?rtete y participa en los entretenidos festivales de Sinnoh, admira las ciudades vibrantes de Teselia, explora los castillos de Kalos, practica surf en Alola y prueba la riqui?sima comida de Galar. ?Adema?s, podra?s hacer un pequen?o tour por la nueva regio?n, Paldea! Explora ma?s de cien localizaciones, visita lugares increi?bles, descubre quie?n es quie?n y prepa?rate para conocer un sinfi?n de Poke?mon alla? donde vayas. Con Ash como gui?a de viaje, vive la aventura Poke?mon definitiva y conoce todas las curiosidades que hacen del mundo Poke?mon un lugar u?nico y especial.

Mapmakers and the enchanted mountain

Alidade, Lewis, and Blue encounter a young boy named Cado, who brings them to his hidden Mountain village where his people are suffering from a mysterious illness, and Alidade, determined to prove her worth as a Mapmaker, tries to bring balance and magic to the Mountain.

The day I fell into a fairy tale

"Lana loves stories, especially the ones she and her brother, Harrison, share in their make-believe games. But when Harrison decides he's too grown-up to play with Lana anymore, she's too lonely to find the wonder in storytelling . . . until something magical happens. Lana discovers a portal to a fairy tale world hidden in the strange new supermarket in town! But these aren't the happy-ever-after fairy tales that Lana knows--they are darker and more dangerous, and the characters need Lana's help to defeat an evil witch. But she can't do it alone. Can she convince Harrison to believe in stories again and journey to the world with her before it's too late?"--Provided by publisher.

The wonderful wizard of Oz

Presents L. Frank Baum's classic tale of a little Kansas girl who is transported by a cyclone to an enchanted land, and features new black and white illustrations.


"After making the ultimate sacrifice, Canto bears a weapon that could defeat the Shrouded Man and free all the inhabitants of the Unnamed World. Now, he races to find a hidden settlement of his former slavers to enlist them as allies in the coming war. That is, if the Shrouded Man doesn't find them first . . ."--Back cover.


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