White, Mark

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La zorra y las uvas

versi?n de la f?bula de Esopo
Retells the fable of a frustrated fox that, after many tries to reach a high bunch of grapes, decides they must be sour anyway.

The ant and the grasshopper

a retelling of Aesop's fable
Retells the fable about an industrious ant that busily prepares for the approaching winter while a grasshopper makes no plans for the cold weather to come.

El lobo con piel de oveja

versi?n de la fabula de Esopo
Retells the story of how the wolf's plan to get into the sheep pen backfires when the farmer butchers him for a lamb dinner.

La liebre y la tortuga

versi?n de la f?bula de Esopo
Recounts the famous tale of the race between the persevering turtle and the boastful rabbit.

La gansa de los huevos de oro

versi?n de la f?bula de Esopo
A farmer learns a lesson in greed when one of his geese begins to lay one--and only one--golden egg each day.

La cigarra y la hormiga

versi?n de la f?bula de Esopo
Retells the fable about an industrious ant that busily prepares for the approaching winter while a grasshopper makes no plans for the cold weather to come.

El le?n y el rat?n

versi?n de la f?bula de Esopo
A mouse begs a lion for mercy and, after he is set free, promises that he will help the lion some day in return.

The fox and the grapes

a retelling of Aesop's fable
Retells the fable of a frustrated fox that, after many tries to reach a high bunch of grapes, decides they must be sour anyway.

La zorra y las uvas

version de la fabula de Esopo
Retells the fable of a frustrated fox that, after many tries to reach a high bunch of grapes, decides they must be sour anyway.

The fox and the grapes

a retelling of Aesop's fable
Retells the fable of a frustrated fox that, after many tries to reach a high bunch of grapes, decides they must be sour anyway.


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