National geographic

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Into the Great Pyramid

Travel deep into the Great Pyramid to witness a remote-controlled robot penetrate a mysterious shaft. Feel the anticipation and excitement as Egypt's oldest intact sarcophagus is unsealed on camera for the first time. And join researchers as they unearth fascinating new clues about the culture that built the pyramids--and how they accomplished this epic engineering feat.

National Geographic Mammals Multimedia Encyclopedia

Presents the world of mammals. Includes more than 700 captioned photographs, orders of mammals, vital statisticshabitat maps, search function, essays, vocalizations, 42 captioned videos with sound, mystery mammals game, glossary, help screens, printing and copying capability.

Secrets of The Titanic

Discover the REAL story behind the biggest Hollywood movie of all time! Now, along with Ballard and his team, be among the first humans to see the Titanic since its sinking, as on-location footage presents this historic expedition as it actually happened!.

Pilgrims of Plymouth

Explains why the Pilgrims came to the New World,some of the problems they had to face,their daily activities,the relationships with their Wampanoag neighbors.


Describes the main characteristics of insects,purposeof various body parts of insects,how they protect themselves.



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