People who have helped the world

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Jane Addams

pioneer in social reform and activist for world peace
A biography of the social worker who promoted world peace and neighborhood cooperation.

Peter Benenson

taking a stand against injustice--Amnesty International
Biography of the English-Jewish lawyer who founded Amnesty International, the organization dedicated to investigating and publicizing civil rights abuses the world over.

Mikhail Gorbachev

revolutionary for democracy
An account of Mr. Gorbachev's role in the Soviet Union at the present time, as events unfold which portend a much freer way of life for the Russian people.

Abraham Lincoln

leader of a nation in crisis
Discusses the life and accomplishments of the sixteenth president of the United States.

Ralph Nader

crusader for safe consumer products and lawyer for the public interest
A biography of the consumer advocate who devotes his life to crusading for citizens' rights, such as safer cars, cleaner food, and truthful advertising.

Maria Montessori

the Italian doctor who revolutionized education for young children
The biography of the first woman doctor in Italy who developed an innovative method of educating young children that has gained wide acceptance throughout the world.

Eleanor Roosevelt

defender of human rights and democracy
Examines the life and accomplishments of the First Lady who devoted herself to helping others and working for peace.

Sir Peter Scott

Describes the life of the artist, sportsman, and champion for wildlife who became the founder of the World Wide Fund for Nature and made many people aware of the need for conservation.

Charlie Chaplin

comic genius who brought laughter and hope to millions
Discusses the life of one of the most famous figures in entertainment history, who was often called "the funniest man in the world.".

Robert Baden-Powell

the man who created the international scouting movement that gives young people opportunities to excel
Examines the lifetime achievements of the man who founded the Boy Scout movement in Great Britain and saw it expand all over the world.


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