Hastings, Max

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the battle for Germany, 1944-1945
The author examines the last eight months of World War Two in Europe and discusses American setbacks on the German border, the Soviet Army's pursuit of Berlin, the Battle of the Bulge, how the battles were fought, and the human impact on American, British, German, and Russian soldiers and civilians.


the battle for Japan, 1944-45
Examines the final year of fighting between Japan and the U.S., China, Great Britain, and Russia during the Second World War, discussing such topics as the Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the Soviet offensive in Manchuria, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the mind-set of the Japanese during the war.

Catastrophe 1914

Europe goes to war
A history of the outbreak of World War I, from the breakdown of diplomacy to the dramatic battles that occurred before the war bogged down in the trenches.

The Korean War

Chronicles the Korean War with over 200 interviews of veterans, including the Chinese.


the battle for Germany, 1944-45
This is the story of the last eight months of World War II in Europe. In September 1944, the Allies expected that the war would be over by Christmas. But the disastrous Allied landing in Holland, American setbacks on the German border, and the Battle of the Bulge altered that timetable.


D-Day and the battle for Normandy

Victory in Europe

D-day to V-E day
Recounts the momentous events that occurred in Europe between D-Day in 1944 and V-E Day in 1945.


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