A First book

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their extraordinary lives and curious history
Introduces the characteristics and habits of the beaver and discusses the beaver-fur trade and how it has threatened this animal's continued existence.
Cover image of Beavers

The Maya

Describes life in this ancient civilization, including farming techniques, rulers, priests, gods, markets, courts, palaces, science, letters, and art.
Cover image of The Maya

The first book of the Aztecs

Discusses the history, people, education, social classes, wars, religion and achievements of the Aztecs.

The first book of stone age man

Stone Age man was not one, but many kinds of human being. Early man in Africa, Peking man in China, Neanderthal man, the Paleolithic mammoth hunters and cave dwellers of Europe, the hunting folk of the Mesolithic forests, and the farm and village people of Near East Neolithic times all appear in this book--Publisher's note.

The first book of the American Revolution

An analysis of the American Revolution, explaining how it differs from other revolutions, what the Revolution meant then, and what it means today.


Using line, bar, and pie graphs, and pictographs the author demonstrates how to read statistics correctly and how to plan and plot graphs of your own.

The first book of the Vikings

Describes the lives of the Northmen, at sea and on shore, and tells about the times in which they lived.

The first book of ancient Egypt

The development of Egyptian civilization is traced through the periods of Egypt's history from about 4000 B.C. to the downfall of old Egypt in 1085 B.C.

Theodore Roosevelt

A biography of the twenty-sixth President, who among other achievements transformed himself from a sickly youth into a hero of the Spanish-American War.

The mound builders

Describes various ancient mound-building cultures from the evidence found in surviving mounds and their contents.


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