Earth at risk

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Global warming

Examines the phenomenon of global warming, discussing the greenhouse effect in its positive, life-giving configuration, and again as this mechanism is knocked out of balance by increased levels of carbon gases.

Economics and the environment

Examines the role of economics in preserving or destroying the environment and conflicts between companies and environmentalists.


Examines the results of demographic changes and illustrates the threat of overpopulation to man and his environment.

Degradation of the land

Examines the problem of land degradation through erosion and deforestation, discussing how these processes occur and what effects they have.

Acid rain

Discusses the problem of acid rain, its causes, how it spreads, and its devastating effects on the environment. Also examines possible solutions to the problem.

Nuclear energy, nuclear waste

Discusses nuclear power and how the positive benefits of nuclear energy are balanced against the problem of disposing of radioactive wastes.

The ozone layer

The ozone layer protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation but this protective shield is being damaged by chlorofluorocarbons and other pollutants that are now being generated on the Earth.

The automobile and the environment

Discusses the automobile's role in polluting the environment and ways of decreasing the damage.

Alternative sources of energy

Describes a variety of energy sources for the future, including solar, water, wind, and thermal power.

Wilderness preservation

Discusses the degradation or destruction of remaining wilderness areas on the Earth and possible ways to save them.


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