juvenile literature

juvenile literature

The story of Marie Curie

"Marie Curie became one of the most celebrated scientists in history. Before she changed the world with her discoveries in physics and chemistry, Marie studied hard to reach the top of her class. People told her she couldn't be a scientist because she was a woman, but she didn't let that stop her. Herr important research is still helping people"--Back cover.
Cover image of The story of Marie Curie

The story of George Washington

a biography book for new readers
A relatable portrait of America's first president covers his early years as a Virginia farm boy, academic achievements, interest in sports, and the fight for American independence.
Cover image of The story of George Washington

The story of Benjamin Franklin

a biography book for new readers
"Benjamin Franklin was a brilliant inventor, scientist, writer, and founding father. Before his ideas made him a legend, Benjamin was a young boy who enjoyed learning, helping others, and problem-solving. He was always finding clever ways to make the world a better place, from inventing the lightning rod to helping write the U.S. Constitution. Explore how Benjamin Franklin went from being a thoughtful kid growing up in Boston to an American hero who created the country's first public library, post office, hospital, and fire station"--OCLC.
Cover image of The story of Benjamin Franklin

Kristen Bell

"Learn all about Bell's life, from her early days in Michigan to her experience portraying Anna in the popular Frozen franchise"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Kristen Bell

Idina Menzel

Describes the life and career of singer and actress Idina Menzel.
Cover image of Idina Menzel


my story of migration
When Luis Onofre Valencia was five years old, his father lost his business and was forced to leave Mexico for the United States to find work. Devastated, Luis and his family struggled to keep afloat. When his father asked them to join him in the US, Luis journeyed by truck for several weeks, separate from his family members, who traveled on foot. When the family reunited in Anaheim, Luis faced an entirely new struggle: adapting to a new city and a new culture that did not look kindly on him.
Cover image of Journey

Jane Addams

the most dangerous woman in America
"This book explains who Jane Addams was and why she caused such a stir in the United States and worldwide. The story follows Jane from her first realization of the unfairness that limited the lives, livelihoods, and health of disadvantaged people in the late 1800s to her becoming one of the most beloved-and most disliked-women of her day. She worked to create a more peaceful, fair world for all people, no matter their race, color, nationality, or gender. Along her journey, Jane cofounded Hull-House, the most celebrated settlement house in the United States, and she became a motivating author, speaker, and women's rights and peace advocate. She worked tirelessly on community, state, and national levels to promote women's, workers', and children's rights, and she spoke passionately against the evils of war. Jane devoted her activities and writings to championing programs for these and other humanitarian causes. Votes for women! Equal rights for African Americans! Good schools and a healthy environment for children! No one-not millionaires, presidents, or the FBI-could stand in the way of her quest for justice. Jane became one of few women worldwide to earn a Nobel Peace Prize. Her efforts to improve social services and communities and to train leaders to carry out this work led to the opening of the first professional school of social work-named in her honor-at the University of Chicago. Her writing, teaching, and actions were based on the belief that "without the advance and improvement of the whole, no man can hope for any lasting improvement in his own moral or material individual condition.""--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Jane Addams

The girl who sang

a Holocaust memoir of hope and survival
As the youngest child in a large Jewish family, Enia Feld's childhood is happy, carefree, and full of song. Until the Nazis invade Poland . . . Change comes slowly. It starts with German soldiers in town and a yellow star on her sweaters. Next, Jewish children are barred from school and there are whispers of their neighbors leaving Poland. And then, all at once, the Nazis start rounding up Jewish families, sending them to ghettos or by train to destinations unknown. In the space of a single night, Enia and her family are separated and forced into hiding--at the mercy of their neighbors during a terrifying time of war.
Cover image of The girl who sang


a Syrian refugee speaks out
Muzoon was fourteen years old when her family made the wrenching decision to leave their home in Syria. War had begun. Peaceful protests were met with shootings. Next, bombs were flying overhead. Even still, Muzoon wanted to stay. What would become of her in a refugee camp? Would there be a school there? Would she ever be able to go home again? In this inspiring memoir, Muzoon shares how she grew up as a refugee. And how she spoke up for what she needed: A chance to learn. A chance to make a difference. Muzoon wasn't just fighting for herself--she wanted to help other refugee kids, too. And she shows how one stubborn, determined girl can change the world.
Cover image of Muzoon

Impossible escape

a true story of survival and heroism in Nazi Europe
"A true story of two Jewish teenagers racing against time during the Holocaust--one in hiding in Hungary, and the other in Auschwitz, plotting escape"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Impossible escape


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