Ideas in conflict

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Redesigning creation

debating the biotech revolution
Contains counterpoints, debates, opinions, commentary, and analysis that can be used in libraries and classrooms to discuss the Genetic Revolution.

Doctor-assisted suicide and the euthanasia movement

Contains over twenty articles in which the authors examine various aspects of the debate over doctor-assisted suicide and the euthanasia movement.


science & society
Contains nineteen essays in which the authors debate the issue of cloning, providing an overview of the topic, discussing human and animal cloning, and presenting a comparison of religions views on cloning, including Native American, Islam, and Orthodox Christianity.

Militarism and global ecology

Presents conflicting viewpoints and commentary concerning global military pollution and its effects on the environment.

Health care and human values

Features conflicting ideas and commentary on the issue of health care for the poor and minorities.

Poison in your food

Treating the mentally disabled

A collection of essays presenting a variety of, often conflicting, viewpoints concerning the care and treatment of the mentally disabled.

Biological terrorism & weapons of mass destruction

Contains over twenty articles in which the authors discuss various aspects of the problem of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, presenting an overview of the issue; discussing biological, chemical and nuclear terrorism; and offering opposing viewpoints of how to respond to the threat.

Population & human survival

Articles present debates on global population and human ecology issues. Includes study guides and student activities.

Born hooked

poisoned in the womb
Presents diverse opinions on such topics as drug addicted babies, perinatal drug abuse, and fetal neglect.


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