thought and thinking

Topical Term
thought and thinking

You are not so smart

why you have too many friends on Facebook, why your memory is mostly fiction, and 46 other ways you're deluding yourself
McRaney reveals that every decision we make, every thought we contemplate, and every emotion we feel comes with a story we tell ourselves to explain them. But sometimes those stories aren't true.

Visible learning and the science of how we learn

Explains the major principles and strategies of learning, outlining why it can be so hard sometimes, and yet easy on other occasions, structured in three parts: 'learning within classrooms', 'learning foundations', which explains the cognitive building blocks of knowledge acquisition and 'know thyself' which explores confidence and self-knowledge, and features interactive appendices containing study guide questions to encourage critical thinking.

Would you kill the fat man?

the trolley problem and what your answer tells us about right and wrong
Examines the issue of ethics while using the Trolley problem in which a person has to decide between saving five people and killing one person.

Understanding elections

what's your vote?
Provides ideas for teachers on how to implement lessons about the election process and how it works in the United States for students in grades kindergarten through second.

Totally wacky facts about the mind

"Did you know that your brain feels sort of like a marshmallow? Ever wondered how much your brain weighs? Want to know how quickly your brain processes information? Totally amazing facts about the human mind will keep struggling and reluctant readers wanting more!"--From the publisher's web site.

The noticer returns

sometimes you find perspective, and sometimes perspective finds you
Andy Andrews has spent the past five years hoping for one more conversation with the person to whom he owes his life. Through a chance encounter Andy is reunited with Jones, also known as "The Noticer," who has a unique talent of noticing little things that make a big difference. And these "little things" grant the people of Fairhope, Alabama, a life-changing gift, perspective, which offers powerfully simple solutions to the problems we all face.

10 mindful minutes

giving our children--and ourselves--the social and emotional skills to reduce stress and anxiety for healthier, happier lives
Presents an approach to providing children with social and emotional tools to help them deal with stress and negative feelings, calm their minds, remain focused, develop compassion and empathy, and live happy lives.

Virtually human

the promise---and the peril---of digital immortality
An examination of cyberconciousness, describing the world's most sentient robot, Bina48, that is a nascent mindclone of the author's wife and discussing multimedia data that is collected to create a Mindfile which collects a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, and opinions through social networking sites and blogs.

The case of the mysterious dognapper

& 9 other mysteries
Ten short mysteries starring Hawkeye Collins and Amy Adams, two twelve-year-old sleuths who solve mysteries using Hawkeye's sketches of important clues. The reader is invited to solve the mystery before the solution is presented.


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