Caseley, Judith

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Grandpa's garden lunch

After helping Grandpa in the garden, Sarah and her grandparents enjoy a lunch made from home-grown vegetables.

Dear Annie

Annie's grandpa is her pen pal and she has a collection of over one hundred letters from him beginning with the time she is born.

Dorothy's darkest days

Dorothy's boisterous life with her parents, two brothers, and sister is suddenly changed when something tragic happens to a classmate of hers, but she finds that things eventually do return to normal.

When Grandpa came to stay

When Grandpa comes to his house to stay, Benny enjoys his company and helps him cope with Grandma's death.

Hurricane Harry

Turning five years old, Harry faces the challenges of moving to a new house, acquiring a pet turtle, and starting kindergarten.

Harry and Arney

Six-year-old Harry looks forward to having a new baby brother, but after his arrival, Harry discovers that he is glad to have his two older sisters around.

Slumber party!

Zoe's birthday party proves great fun until bedtime, but Mom comes to the rescue and the next day all agree it was the best sleepover ever.

Mama, coming and going

Big sister Jenna recalls the funny things that Mama forgot to do after baby Mickey was born.

Apple pie and onions

Although she is embarrassed when her grandmother reminisces with an old friend in public, Rebecca loves her and enjoys hearing stories about her grandmother's life in America when she first came from Russia.

Jorah's journal

In her new journal, Jorah records her feelings about having to move, going to a new school, celebrating her birthday, learning the meaning of her name, and finding a friend.


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