
Geographic Name

Samuel de Champlain

A color-illustrated biography of French explorer Samuel de Champlain, who discovered the Ottawa River, founded the city of Quebec, and worked to establish French colonies on his travels to North America in the early seventeenth century.
Cover image of Samuel de Champlain

Henry Hudson

Chronicles the life and journeys of seventeenth-century English explorer Henry Hudson, who searched for a passage through the northern seas to Asia and became the namesake of the Hudson River.
Cover image of Henry Hudson

The lamp, the ice, and the boat called Fish

based on a true story
Tells the dramatic story of the Canadian Arctic Expedition that set off in 1913 to explore the high north.
Cover image of The lamp, the ice, and the boat called Fish

Uncommon traveler

Mary Kingsley in Africa
A brief biography of the self-educated nineteenth-century Englishwoman who, after a secluded childhood and youth, traveled alone through unexplored West Africa in 1893 and 1894 and learned much about the area and its inhabitants.
Cover image of Uncommon traveler

The magic school bus lost in the solar system

On a special field trip in the magic school bus, Ms. Frizzle's class goes into outer space and visits each planet in the solar system.
Cover image of The magic school bus lost in the solar system

Where do you think you're going, Christopher Columbus?

Discusses the voyages of Christopher Columbus who determined to beat everyone in the race to the Indies.
Cover image of Where do you think you're going, Christopher Columbus?


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