Conrad, Joseph

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The secret agent

a simple tale
Verloc, who is secretly working for the police and a "foreign power" (Russia) while ostensibly a member of an anarchist group in Soho, is required by his masters to discredit the anarchists in some spectacular way.

Heart of darkness

Marlow comes face to face with the corruption and despair that lies at the heart of human existence when he undertakes a journey on behalf of a Belgian trading company up the Congo River in search of the tormented white ivory trader, Kurtz.

The secret agent

After infiltrating a radical group, a double agent incites them to commit acts of terrorism.

Lord Jim


Heart of darkness

and, The secret sharer
Presents two novels by Joseph Conrad, "Heart of Darkness", in which Marlow experiences the depths of moral depravity as he travels through a dangerous jungle, and "The Secret Sharer", which recounts a young sea captain's first command through the Gulf of Siam, where he must face the demons of his unconscious mind.

Heart of darkness

and Youth
Marlow, a sea captain from an English trading company, embarks on a troubling journey into the Congo jungle to retrieve a renegade trader who has become mad with greed and power over the natives. Also includes "Youth," a short story in which Marlow chronicles his first voyage to the East.

Lord Jim



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