Conrad, Joseph

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Heart of darkness and The secret sharer

"Heart of Darkness" tells of a powerful European, Kurtz, who reverts to awful savagery in an isolated native trading post. "The Secret Sharer" describes the conflict of a young captain torn between his duty to his ship and his loyalty to a young officer.

Lord Jim

The secret agent

A tale of turn of the century London involving spies, revolutionaries, and bureaucratic police.

Heart of darkness

Heart of darkness tells of the European, Kurtz, who reverts to savagery in an isolated native trading post of the Congo. The secret sharer relates the conflict of a young captain of his duty to his ship or his loyalty to a young officer who has murdered a crew member.

Lord Jim

Lord Jim

Heart of darkness

Heart of darkness

and, The secret sharer
Presents two novels by English writer Joseph Conrad, including "Heart of Darkness, " a story that exposes the European exploitation of Africa, and "The Secret Sharer" which describes the conflict of a captain torn between his duty to his ship and his loyalty to a young officer.
Cover image of Heart of darkness

Heart of darkness

The story of Marlow, a seaman who undertakes a journey into the African jungle to find tormented white trader Kurtz, plus The lagoon, a story of love and courage set in the South Pacific.


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