
Topical Term


In this book, readers will learn what tolerance is, how and why to show it, how to use mindfulness to better practice tolerance, and how to encourage it in others.


In this book, readers will learn what respect is, how and why to show it, how to use mindfulness to better practice respect, and how to encourage it in others.

Celebrating all abilities

Readers will learn the importance of acceptance and empathy as they relate to abilities and how to practice these in their daily lives.

Acting with awareness

respect for others
"Think before you act is common and useful advice that we don't always follow. In order to learn more about other people, we need to be sure we don't jump to conclusions before they've had their chance to finish speaking. Readers will learn that respect for others goes beyond face-to-face situations. People need to have respect for others even if they're not around. Respect for others falls under the broader social and emotional learning category of social awareness. Respectful people can think about situations from other people's perspectives and empathize with them"--Provided by publisher.

Respecting others online

"Readers learn the importance of being respectful online. Activities throughout the book prompt students to think more deeply, be creative, share information and resources, and grow their knowledge"--Provided by publisher.

Miss Nelson is missing

Contains one fictional story and one nonfiction title that introduce children to respect, and includes a teacher's guide with reading comprehension activities.

Meet Milo at the mall

respecting property
"When Milo notices graffiti on a wall at the mall, Leo the paintbrush teaches him about the importance of respecting property" --Amazon.

Consent (for kids!)

boundaries, respect, and being in charge of you
A guide to consent and bodily autonomy that teaches readers about boundaries and how to set them; ways to respect themselves and others; what to do if someone makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe; and how to practice consent in their daily lives.

We all have value

a story of respect
"Idil has a problem. She loves hanging out with her friends Pete and Ben but lately, Pete hasn't been very nice to Ben. Pete doesn't let Ben have a turn talking or playing. Can Idil help Pete see that the way he's treating Ben isn't right? Come along as Idil tries to help Pete learn that everyone has value and deserves to be included and treated with respect."--Publisher.

You hold me up

"A ... story about the simplicity of love, the importance of respect and the cultivation of compassion"--Dust jacket flap.


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