Farland, David

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The Runelords

the sum of all men
Prince Gaborn Val Orden of Mystarria becomes involved in a deadly race to save the King and all humanity when his pleasant journey through the countryside of Sylvarresta on his way to visit his intended bride, throws him into the company of assassins.


"Bron Jones was abandoned as a newborn. Thrown into foster care, he is rejected by one family after another, until he meets Olivia, a gifted and devoted high-school teacher who recognizes him for what he really is--what her people call a "nightingale." But Bron isn't ready to learn the truth. There are secrets that have been hidden from mankind for hundreds of thousands o f years, secrets that should remain hidden. Some things are too dangerous to know. Bron's secrets may be the most dangerous of all."--Dust jacket.

Brotherhood of the wolf

Gaborn must defeat Raj Ahtan before he manages to destroy the Earth and everything living on it.
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