business failures

Topical Term
business failures

The U.S. auto industry

American carmakers and the economic crisis
Explores how the automotive industry in the United States has been affected by the economic crisis that began in 2007.

Epic fails

the Edsel, the mullet, and other icons of unpopular culture
Highlights various inventions over the last several decades that were not met with success. Explores what might have causes these endeavors to flop such as consumer indifference, poor timing, or simply being awful ideas from the start.
Cover image of Epic fails

Technically wrong

sexist apps, biased algorithms, and other threats of toxic tech
"Buying groceries, tracking our health, finding a date: whatever we want to do, odds are that we can now do it online. But few of us ask why all these digital products are designed the way they are. It's time we change that. Many of the services we rely on are full of oversights, biases, and downright ethical nightmares ... takes an unflinching look at the values, processes, and assumptions that lead to these and other problems."--Publisher.
Cover image of Technically wrong

More awesome than money

four boys and their heroic quest to save your privacy from Facebook
"Four NYU undergrads wanted to build a social network that would allow users to control what they shared about themselves. They were hoping to raised 10k in 30 days and their project was called Diaspora. Their 2010 Kickstarter campaign ended the first day with three backers. They raised twenty times their goal and had support from around the world. But as the months wore on and the money wore out, they couldn't get there--coding failures, bad business decisions, over-reach and under-organization, and the inevitable conflicts of personality and goals. And when one of the four committed suicide in the fall of 2011, they found out how much they had all been on their own all along"--Provided by publisher.

Anatomy of greed

the unshredded truth from an Enron insider
The author chronicles his experiences as a young executive at Enron, from his first day in March 2001, to December 3, 2001, when the company filed for bankruptcy and he was given thirty minutes to vacate the premises, and provides insight into the inner workings of the failed corporation.


the rise and fall
A behind-the-scenes look at Enron's rise to power, its reputation before October 2001, what led to its bankruptcy, and the impact of its failure on the business world.

The U.S. auto industry

American carmakers and the economic crisis
Explores the growth of the U.S. auto industry and the events that led to its downturn in the wake of the recent economic crisis. Includes full-color photographs, a glossary, and further reading sources.

Close calls

from the brink of ruin to business success
Relates success stories of entrepreneurs such as Heinz, Folger, DuPont, and Chrysler, who overcame bankruptcy and other business crises to establish thriving companies.

Pipe dreams

greed, ego, and the death of Enron
The author presents his analysis of why Enron, a once-stable, profitable company, failed in the 1990s, drawing from interviews with over two hundred Enron employees, as well as Wall Street and other sources to expose the misdeeds that led to the energy giant's downfall.
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