military policy

Geographic Name
military policy

Dixie betrayed

how the South really lost the Civil War
Traces a political conspiracy and dysfunctional dynamics that the author believes were at the heart of the Confederacy's Civil War losses, in an account that reveals infighting between Jefferson Davis and the Confederate government.

The American way of war

a history of United States military strategy and policy
Traces the evolution in American strategic thought from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam War.

Nuclear North Korea

a debate on engagement strategies
Discusses the media's portrayal of North Korea as an irrational regime and assesses the historical and current American policy efforts to stop nuclear proliferation in North Korea.

The nuclear age

Contains thirty-two essays in which various authors discuss issues related to the Nuclear Age, from 1945 through the 1980s, discussing the atom bomb, the Iron Curtain, Mahatma Gandhi and nonviolent resistance, communism, the space race, segregation, Vietnam, apartheid, and other topics.

Winning modern wars

Iraq, terrorism, and the American empire
Retired general Wesley K. Clark draws from his military experience to examine the 2003 U.S.-led war against Iraq, discussing the basis of the decade-long engagement with Saddam Hussein, and the course of the campaign, and examining questions about whether the war was justified and its effectiveness in reducing the terrorist threat to America.
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