Presents a selection of over one hundred poems written by more than twenty-five beat poets, including Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Anne Waldman, and others.
A collection of poems celebrating music and musicians, including works by Rumi, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Bishop, Billy Collins, William Blake, Federico Garc?a Lorca, Langston Hughes, Wallace Stevens, and Thom Gunn.
Collects poems written by Willa Cather written from before she began working on her more famous novels. Includes different versions of several poems as they reflect changes in Cather's life and ideas in their revisions, such as "The Hawthorn Tree" and "Winter at Delphi.".
Presents a treasury of poems about sleep and dreams, including selections by William Wordsworth, W. H. Auden, Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, John Updike, Sylvia Plath, and many others.
Presents more than one hundred poems on the beauty and labor of gardens and gardening, by such writers as John Milton, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Christina Rossetti, and E. E.Cummings. Covers such themes as paradises, ruined gardens, garden work, and gardens of the mind.