Scheppler, Bill

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master astronomer and Muslim scholar of the eleventh century
A biography of eleventh-century Muslim astronomer and scholar Al-Biruni describing his work in mathematics, geography, religion, and the physical sciences.

British Royal Marines

amphibious division of the United Kingdom's Royal Navy
Presents a look at the British Royal Marines, explaining what they do, how they began, and how to become a part of the special operations group; describing their equipment; and including a glossary and list of further resources.

How a law is passed

Explores the process by which a law is passed, discussing the proposal, debates in Congress, and presidential approval; explains procedural rules.

The Mississippi burning trial

a primary source account
Chronicles the 1964 trial of a group of Mississippi Ku Klux Klan members for killing James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, civil rights activists who had come to the state to investigate the burning of a church, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The USA Patriot Act

antiterror legislation in response to 9/11
Presents an overview of the USA Patriot Act, including information on the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, the failures of counterterrorism intelligence, and the development of legislation that lead to the USA Patriot becoming law.

Guant?namo Bay and military tribunals

the detention and trial of suspected terrorists
Presents a study of the U.S. military installation at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and the detention of enemy combatants from Afghanistan and Iraq, the history of the base, treatment of the prisoners, and more.

The ironman triathlon

Describes the triathlon, a combination of distance swimming, cycling, and running, frequently in exotic locations.

Careers with click-and-mortar businesses

This book discusses careers with click-and-mortar businesses, businesses that operate simultaneously in both the online and offline worlds, including customer service representatives, marketing coordinators, Web designers, Web producers, writers, software engineers, and many others.

Iraqi insurgents

resisting America's nation-building in Iraq
Describes Iraqi insurgency since U.S. combat operations began in that nation, and discusses the various warring Islamic sects, the rise and fall of Saddam Hussein, coalition forces in Baghdad, and more.
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