Core chemistry

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Metals and nonmetals

Discusses the properties of different materials, metal extraction, refining techniques, and metal uses of the future, and includes hands-on investigations.

Acids and Alkalis

Introduces students to different kinds of acids and alkalis, where they can be found, how they affect other substances, and why they are important.

Chemical reactions

Photographs, illustrations, and diagrams describe chemical reactions, how they work, what they can do, and why they are important.

Geological change

Explores the Earth and its chemical foundations, focusing on the topic of geological change, examining the planet's formation, rocky crust, changing rocks, and resources, and including photographs, discussion questions, and investigations.

Fuel and the environment

Explores the Earth and its chemical foundations, focusing on fuel and the environment, discussing what fuel is, how it is extracted and refined, how plastics are made, the cost of fuel, and environmental factors, and including photographs, discussion questions, and investigations.


Introduces children to the various types of substances in the world, exploring how materials are made, how particles influence how those substances behave, and what role they play in everyday life.
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