Kipfer, Barbara Ann

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Roget's 21st century thesaurus in dictionary form

the essential reference for home, school, or office

How it happens

the extraordinary processes of everyday things
Contains a collection of alphabetically arranged entries that describe and explain the fascinating phenomena of the everyday world, from stomachs grumbling, and snow flakes falling, to cereal popping, and goose bumps forming, and includes a step-by-step guide to over five hundred processes.

The order of things

how everything in the world is organized -- into hierarchies, structures, & pecking orders
Divided into thirteen areas of knowledge, more than 400 lists and illustrations present the order, hierarchy, and structure of both natural and man-made things, such as the longest rivers, the highest mountains, the ranks of the Mafia, and the order of events in the Big Bang.

The order of things

how everything in the world is organized into hierarchies, structures, and pecking orders


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