australian aborigines

Topical Term
australian aborigines

John Midas in the dreamtime

While visiting the site of sacred cave paintings in the middle of the Australian outback, John Midas slips back thousands of years and finds himself among a prehistoric aboriginal tribe.

Dingo Creek Challenge

In late nineteenth-century Australia, as tension mounts between white settlers and a band of aborigines at Dingo Creek, thirteen-year-old Patrick takes sides when he helps teach the aborigines to play cricket.

Beyond dreamtime

the life and lore of the Aboriginal Australian
Introduces the history and cultural traditions of the Australian Aboriginals, discusses the influence of the white man on their way of life, and relates Aboriginal myths of the Dreamtime.

The dark bright water

Tribal elders urge a young Australian Aborigine to investigate the strange events occurring in the interior of their vast continent.

The flying emu and other Australian stories

A collection of twenty traditional tales from the Australian Aborigines, explaining how the world began and what followed.

What made Tiddalik laugh

Retells the Aboriginal tale about what happened when the giant frog Tiddalik had such a great thirst that he drank a lake, a river, and all the other water he could find until there wasn't a drop of water left anywhere.


Two Australian school children, defenseless in the vast wilderness of the Outback, meet an Aborigine youth in his walkabout and are forced to undergo a walkabout of their own.

No such country

When an archeology student, hoping to learn about his Aboriginal heritage, comes to work near their isolated village, sixteen-year-old friends Sarah and Rachel discover why the man known as the Father has had such control over their lives.

Red Earth, blue sky

the Australian outback
Examines life in Australia's harsh yet beautiful desert known as the Outback.


aborginal stories
New and traditional Australian indigenous tales from the Aborigine poet, artist, and political activist formerly known as Kath Walker.


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