Havill, Juanita

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Jennifer, too

Jennifer discovers ways to be included in the games of her older brother Matt and his friends.

Jennifer, too

Jennifer discovers ways to be included in the games her older brother Matt plays with his friends.

Brianna, Jamaica, and the Dance of Spring

When her sister Nikki gets sick, Brianna hopes to play her part as the butterfly queen in the Dance of Spring, but then another disaster strikes.


a novel in verse
Two young girls, Kate and Berneetha, along with other members of a Minneapolis, Minnesota, neighborhood are brought together by a community garden that was started by the two girls, but fear they might loose their dreams when the building owner announces plans to build a parking garage.

It always happens to Leona

Feeling left out between her older sister and younger brother, Leona decides to run away with Uncle Rosco, a motorcycle racer.

The magic fort

While playing in their "magic fort, " an easily climbable tree, Kevin's brother Joseph breaks his arm, teaching both boys a lesson in responsibility and playing together.

Treasure nap

On an afternoon when it is too hot to sleep, a young girl asks to hear the story about how her great-great-grandmother came to the United States from Mexico, bringing a special treasure.

Call the horse Lucky

Mel spies a neglected pinto while out riding her bike with her grandmother who calls the Humane Society which places the horse, named Lucky by Mel, at a rescue ranch to recover.

Jamaica and Brianna

Jamaica hates wearing hand-me-down boots when her friend Brianna has pink fuzzy ones.

Jamaica's find

A little girl finds a stuffed dog in the park and decides to take it home.


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